The Uncanny Valley Phenomenon: The Impact of AI on Human Behavior

Show notes

Welcome to Beyond The Screen: An IONOS Podcast, hosted by Joe Nash. Our podcast is your go-to source for tips and insights to scale your business’s online presence and e-commerce vertical. We cover all tech trends that impact company culture, design, accessibility, and scalability challenges – without all the complicated technical jargon.

Our guest today is Ketu Shah, a Software Engineer at Gusto, an online platform for payroll and HR solutions. Tune in and delve into the fascinating world of AI and understand its impact on society.

We also discuss the following touchpoints:

  • The uncanny valley phenomenon: Engaging with AI systems that mimic human behavior
  • The importance of recognizing fake AI-generated content by paying attention to details
  • The impact of AI and technology in the upcoming election year
  • Recommendations on books and literature to keep abreast of AI developments
  • The benefits of using LinkedIn and keyword searches

Ketu is a Computer Science Graduate from the Stevens Institute of Technology. Throughout his professional experience, he has worked on enterprise systems ranging in size and encompassing a wide spectrum of technologies. His roles have included full-stack engineer, backend developer, data engineer, and product owner. In addition, he has worked in development cycles and product and process management.

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