Preventing Security Breaches: Strategies for Effective Threat Detection and Prevention

Show notes

Welcome to Beyond The Screen: An IONOS Podcast, hosted by Joe Nash. Our podcast is your go-to source for tips and insights to scale your business’s online presence and e-commerce vertical. We cover all tech trends that impact company culture, design, accessibility, and scalability challenges – without all the complicated technical jargon.

Our guest today is Mukhtar Kabir, Senior Cloud Security Architect at GuidePoint Security, a company that provides cybersecurity consulting to protect your digital networks. Tune in and learn valuable insights and recommendations to enhance your cybersecurity knowledge and skills.

We also discuss the following touchpoints:

  • The importance of certifications for IT professionals
  • A lack of multi-factor authentication (MFA) implementation and the need for better security awareness training within organizations.
  • The changing landscape of cybersecurity: new trends and developments
  • Why posture management (CSPM) and vulnerability management processes are critical
  • Implementing a zero-trust access approach to ensure secure access

Mukhtar is a Senior Cloud Security Architect at GuidePoint Security, an elite team of highly trained, top-certified experts who cut through cyber chaos and confusion to put control back in your hands. He has also held leadership roles in cybersecurity at Amazon Web Services, Deloitte, and Metrica.

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